1 oz Palladium Bar | Valcambi
General information for your information
No other precious metal is likely to experience such large increases in value in the future as palladium, which belongs to the platinum group. The stocks of pure palladium are already quite depleted, so that most of the palladium currently coming onto the market is extracted from other ores such as nickel or copper. In addition, there is also recycled palladium, which is re-extracted when cars are scrapped.
This is because palladium is used in the automotive industry in particular and will continue to be urgently needed there in the future. The automotive industry - and in particular the production of catalytic converters - cannot do without palladium, but it is not the only industry that uses this precious metal. Palladium is also used in medical technology and in space travel.
Don't delay buying from your StoneX Bullion shop, as palladium is not going to get any cheaper! Quite the opposite, in fact, as the range of applications for this precious metal is beginning to expand.
This metal has long been used in jewellery making, where it is used as an alloy together with gold. But pure palladium jewellery is also becoming more and more fashionable, because this light, shiny metal is lightweight and looks very good. By purchasing a palladium bar of one ounce in weight from your StoneX Bullion shop, you are already making a very good investment for the future!
About the bar
This 1 oz palladium bar from Valcambi contains one ounce of palladium with a purity of 99.95%.
The Valcambi palladium bar is manufactured by Valcambi in Switzerland. Incidentally, the 1 oz Valcambi palladium bars are the most popular palladium bars!
The front of the Valcambi palladium bars feature the Valcambi logo, with the metal and purity underneath. You can clearly see a serial number at the bottom of the bar!
You will receive your 1 oz palladium bar in a protective blister pack and can look forward to another addition to your portfolio at your StoneX Bullion shop after your purchase!