10 oz Silver Bars

The 10oz Silver bar affords investors an opportunity to buy a larger silver bar at an affordable price. Silver is determined by the current spot price in the precious metals market and each product then has a specific premium attached, which then determines the price of the silver bar price over the current silver spot price.

Each Silver bar is LBMA approved and has a purity of 999.9/1000. If you want to buy silver bars at affordable price, you can head to our VAT free 5-kilo silver coin-bar which enables you to buy at a discount.

Availability: 17
10 oz Odin Silver Bar | The Royal Mint
Premium: €65.00 (20.72%)
Gross, Inc. VAT/Net
10 oz Silver Bar | Royal Canadian Mint
Premium: €0.00 (0.00%)
Currently out of stock
10 oz Silver Bar | Republic Metals
Premium: €30.03 (9.57%)
Currently out of stock
10 oz Silver Bar Britannia | Minted
Premium: €0.00 (0.00%)
Currently out of stock
10 oz Royal Bengal Tiger Silver Bar | PAMP
Premium: €100.00 (31.88%)
Currently out of stock