Austrian Florin Gold Coins

Austrian Florin Gold Coins

Austrian Gold Florin commemorative coins are of interest to investors and collectors for their rarity and historical value as much as for their .900 gold content. Gold Florins were originally issued by the Austrian State Mint between 1870 and 1892. Modern commemorative gold coins all carry the date 1892 to denote the last year of issue and are marketed as official re-strikes. Gold Florins from Austria are unusual in that they carry face values from two monetary systems, Florins and Francs. This unique move was due in part to the vision and intuition of Emperor Franz Josef I who realised that the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom would herald a period of change and social reform. Austrian Gold Florin/Francs were issued as 'trade coinage' with the intention of creating an internationally recognised gold coin. Today, Gold Austrian Florins are in greater demand than ever – buy these unique gold bullion coins VAT Free for fast, secure shipping with StoneX Bullion.

4 Florin 10 Francs | Gold | New Edition
Premium: €17.64 (7.00%)
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Austrian Florin Bullion: The Historical Austrian Coin

The rarity and historical value of the Austrian Florin commemorative coins make them highly sought after by collectors and investors of gold bullion coins. With a gold content of 90% purity, Florin coins present excellent value for money and promise a great return on investment. But hurry because supplies are limited and you don’t want to miss out on our great offers!

Buy Austrian Florins Gold Coins

Austrian florin are available to buy from the StoneX Bullion online store for excellent prices. To make your purchase, click on the image above to go through to the product description page and add the item to your cart by clicking on the button highlighted in orange to the right of the coins image. All you need to do is choose the country you would like the coin sending to and proceed to checkout by following the online instructions.

Austrian Francs: Collectible coins from Imperial Austria

The Austrian Florins Gold Coins have dual denomination and .900 fineness. Issued by the Austrian Mint between 1870 and 1892, the extra special coins have historical importance as much as they do investment value. Modern Austrian Gold Florins are dated 1892, the year of the original series’ was last issued. Marketed as Austrian Mint official restrikes, Florins were issued partially as commemorative coins, and partly as investment gold bullion. From 1870 to 1892, the Austrian Mint issued two types of Florins coins, each carrying face values in two monetary systems, with the purpose of creating "trade coinage" intended for international use. These were the 20 francs / 8 florins, and its sibling the 10 francs / 4 florins.

Through its long history Austria has produced a large number of gold coins with varied denominations, but this unusual dual denomination Florins/Francs series is one that tells us a particularly interesting story, and is a record of major events that went on in the global trade environment of the late 1800’s. Emperor Franz Josef I of Austria was a man of vision and strong intuition. He saw the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom would initiate a period of social reform and economic development as a result of mass production of consumer goods. At the same time, France, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland formed the Latin Monetary Union (LMU) attempting to unify several European currencies into a single currency that could be used in all the member states. At a time when most national currencies were still made out of gold and silver, they agreed to set a standard for their national currencies, and make them freely interchangeable. The standard was set at 4.5 g of silver or 0.290322 g of gold (a 15.1:1 ratio, the current ratio being 65:1 today). The Emperor’s idea to print the dual denomination coins failed to make Austria a member of the LMU, perhaps as a result of political alliances, but managed to set an unofficial exchange ratio for French and Belgian francs to Austrian florins, as well as give the world a series of remarkable coins. The Gold Austrian Florins coins are a rare collector’s item of great historical significance, while the modern restrikes are a solid investment vessel with high commemorative value. With 500 minted copies, the last edition of the 20 francs / 8 florins coin was issued in 1988, while the last 10 francs / 4 florins reprint was struck in1999.

Austrian Francs Florins Description

Austrian Francs Florins coins have inherited their design and appearance from the medieval gold coins of Europe, as they are quite thin when compared with modern gold coins, but relatively large in diameter. They are made of 90% pure gold, the balance being in copper. The motifs are exact duplicates of the gold ducats, with only the inscriptions changing. On the obverse side we find a head portrait of the last Emperor of Austria, Franz Josef I. There are versions with a younger portrait, but a more mature one is on the latest coins, including the 1892 issue and the restrikes. The Emperor is facing right, he is wearing a beard and has a thick moustache, and carries a laurel wreath on his head. The words FRANCISCUS IOSEPHUS I D G IMPERATOR ET REX and a small star at the bottom are inscribed. On the reverse we see the arms of Austria overlaid upon a crowned double-headed Imperial eagle. Above the Imperial Eagle is the Imperial Crown worn by Holy Roman Emperors from the House of Habsburg. The Imperial Eagle holds the Imperial Regalia (crown jewels) on its two heads, the Imperial Sword, which was used during coronations, and the Imperial Orb, a symbol of divine right. The double-headed eagle is a common symbol in heraldry, most commonly associated with the Byzantine Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Russian Empire and their successor states. Inscribed we find the words IMPERIUM AUSTRIACUM, together with the face value in francs and florins and the year of issue of the coin. The edge has VIRIBUS UNITIS as an incuse inscription.

The production of the Austrian Francs Florins coins

The Austrian Mint has been producing innovative coinage and currency for over 800 years, making it one of the oldest continuously-producing minting institutions in the world. It carries out both the design and minting of the coins it produces. The gold Florins gorgeously crafted bullion coins were minted in the very heart of Vienna and are pursued by savvy investors and informed collectors all around the world who trust the superiority of the Austrian Mint coinage produce.

The Austrian Mint Quality Assurance

These extremely impressive, delicate gold coins, issued by one of the oldest and finest mints in the world, are appreciated by collectors both for their exceptional design and their high quality of manufacturing, following strict specifications that are almost impossible to copy. Coins that were in circulation fetch high prices, depending on their condition, while the 1892 re-strikes also serve commemorative purposes as they are twinned with the history of the Austrian Empire. You should indeed consider yourself very fortunate should you ever come across such a collector’s dream. Given the exact specifications and comparing it with a photo, an informed dealer will verify its authenticity and acknowledge its rarity. As for the restrikes the confirmation of their authenticity is a matter of minutes.

Selling Austrian Florins coins

StoneX Bullion buy and sell gold bullion coins so if you have any Austrian Florin for salewe would love to hear from you. As a leading online trader of precious metals, we offer highly competitive rates for gold bullion coins such as the Austrian Florin and are prepared to offer current market rates. Contact a member of our team with the details of the coins you have for sale and we will happily prepare an offer on your behalf. We will forward a fixed fee offer to you by email together with confirmation of the time limit in which you have to accept the offer. If you choose not to accept our initial offer, you can of course wait for gold spot prices to improve and come back to us for another offer at any time.