Numismatic Coins

Numismatic Coins are rare or valuable coins that have a true value over and above their precious metal content. If you're simply investing in physical gold or silver you can choose from a wide range of bullion coins such as the Canadian Maple Leaf or the Austrian Gold Philharmonic since their value is based on precious metal content and will always be the same as the current spot price. However, a 'numismatic coin' might be valuable because it's historical, has special marks, is a one-of-a-kind or was minted in an unusual way. Many factors can add value to a coin and ensure that it fits the numismatic category but, in general they’re rare and collectible. For example, the rare grade 69 St. Gaudens High Relief Double Eagle Coin struck by the Philadelphia Mint in 1907 has a value of around $685,000 – almost 500 times the spot price of its gold content.