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1 oz Lunar III Rabbit | Silver | 2023

The spectacular Lunar series from the Perth Mint is back and the 2023 1 oz Lunar Rabbit Silver is now for sale on StoneX Bullion!

Did you know?

The Lunar series is based on the Chinese Zodiac calendar which takes its origin from the Legend of the Great race organised by the Chinese Emperor. He called the animals to him and all who wished to race had to cross a wide river. The first 12 animals to reach the other side would have a year named after them.

The mouse arrived first hitching a ride on the back of the ox. The tiger used his power to make it to shore in third place. And the rabbit cleverly jumped from stone to stone and caught a log which floated to the banks. He then became the fourth animal in the Zodiac calendar!

A beautiful design

The reverse of the coin portrays two busy little rabbits in the countryside. One is sitting down, ears erect looking to its left. The other rabbit next to him is stretching towards a branch trying to catch the fruits or the buds. The rabbit is said to be intelligent, creative, curious and high spirited and the design really portrays these traits. Also included in the design is the Chinese character for rabbit, the inscription “RABBIT 2023” and the Perth Mint”s “P” mintmark.

The obverse represents a beautiful portrait of her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Designed by artist Jody Clark, at age 33, he is the youngest engraver from the Royal Mint to have achieved this honour. As the longest reigning British King or Queen in history, Elizabeth II was the first monarch to receive the privilege of a fifth portrait appearing on the nation’s coins. We now know that it will be the last portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth II and it makes this coin even more valuable. The design is particularly striking, representing a very dignified Queen, elegant and gracious. The obverse also includes the weight and fineness, and the monetary denomination.


The rabbit is said to bestow intelligence, creativity, vigilance, and compassion on those born under its influence in 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975 and every 12th preceding year. This coin will be a fantastic gift to those who were born under the rabbit year. As the one ounce silver coins have a maximum mintage of 300 000, do not wait any longer to purchase yours on StoneX Bullion!

Страна: Австралия
Номер продукта: 201329
Серия: Лунар III
Монетный двор: Пертский Монетный Двор Австралии
Проба: 999.9/1000
Диаметр, мм: 40,6
Номинал: 1
Валюта: Австралийский доллар
Упаковка: Пластиковая капсула
1 Данный вес указывает на содержание драгоценного металла в изделии. Фактический вес монеты может быть выше.
* Изделие может незначительно отличаться от представленного на рисунке.
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